Thursday, December 18, 2008

yay i'm a grown up!

so i spent all semester researching this...

then i spent all day presenting it for my entire department!

...and i got an A+


Jill said...

Dude, I'm so excited for you. You are the bomb! your are beautiful and your are so fricken smart! Brains and Beauty are two atributes to flaunt whenever possible! (sound it out and excuse my spelling)

Jon Dayton said...

I never knew what happened to my old lab reports until I heard them whimpering in shame as they tried to scuttle away when I loaded that picture.

Jon Dayton said...

Cousin Jill is on to something. I guess that makes you a triple threat: Brains... beauty... and a McCarthy!

Pamela said...

Good work, Future Shrink of America!

Jon Dayton said...

P.S. You are lovely. Have a blog award for an early Christmas present. Here

Lor1402 said...

Congratulations! I'm so proud of you! and OMG if I did not know that that was you in the picture, I would think "Why has she got my picture on her blog!" It's kinda freaky and I guess the gene thing is strong in our family!

Jill said...

so i tagged you for a meme, check out my blog ASAP! 1/5/09